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Bids & RFPs

  • Sealed bids are requested from qualified contractors for the Addition, and Renovations at Mexico Middle School, the Addition of a Field Building at Mexico High School Sports Complex, and New Fencing at Eugene Field Elementary. 

    Bidders are invited to a pre-bid meeting on February 18, 2025, at 11:00 AM at the Mexico Schools Central Office, 2101 Lakeview Rd., Mexico, MO 65265. Only contractors meeting the requirements within the specifications will be considered as qualified bidders. 

    Bids will be received by the superintendent (C/O Dr. Lentz) at 1:00 P.M. on March 11th, 2025, Mexico Schools Central Office, 2101 Lakeview Rd., Mexico, MO 65265. 

    The projects consist of the following work: Addition of classrooms and restrooms at Mexico Middle School, Renovation of existing offices and kitchen. Addition of a field building to serve the Mexico High School sports complex. Addition of a fence for Eugene Field Elementary. 

    Contract documents are available by contacting Facility Solutions Group (Ryan Mittelberg) at 314-330-0809. The contract documents will be available on February 15th, 2025. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bidders must provide a Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the proposed contract sum. The successful bidder will be required to provide 100% Performance and Payment Bonds, and to comply with the Missouri Department of Labor Standards Prevailing Wage Rates.


    Posted 2/3/2025


  • Request for Proposal: School District Chromebooks for Mexico #59 School District

    The Mexico #59 School District is soliciting proposals from qualified companies (hereinafter referred to as “District”) for Chromebooks.  To request the bid specifications related to this project, please contact Anna Richardson at

    All submissions are to be sent to the attention of Kaity Baker, 2101 Lakeview Rd., Mexico, Mo. 65265 and must be received by February 12, 2025, by 1:30 pm CST.


    Mexico Public School District

    Attention To: Kaity Baker

    RE: 2025 Chromebook RFP

    2101 Lakeview Road

    Mexico, MO 65265


    Bids will be opened and read at 2:00 p.m. CST, on February 12, 2025, in the Board Room at 2101 Lakeview Road Mexico MO 65265.

    Note:  We are looking for the specific make, model, and specifications below.

    RFP Requirements
        Due February 12, 2025, by 1:30 pm CST

    Attn:  Kaity Baker
    RE:  2025 Chromebooks
    2101 Lakeview Road
    Mexico, MO  65265

    Sealed proposals are due February 12, 2025, by 1:30 pm CST by mail or delivered in person.  Late proposals will remain unopened and mailed back.
    ●    The RFP should be marked “2025 Chromebooks”.
    ●    Bids will be opened at 2:00 PM CST on  February 12, 2025.
    ●    All opened RFPs will remain open and valid and subject to acceptance for ninety to one hundred and twenty (90-120) days after the opening date.  The Mexico Public School District reserves the right to require all companies to extend a valid date in writing.
    ●    If using a subcontractor, please provide a scope of work for them.
    ●    All subcontracted work is to be guaranteed by the responder.
    ●    Bid information will go to the Mexico Public School Board of Education for approval at the Feb 18, 2025 board meeting.  Vendors may inquire via email after Feb 21, 2025, as to the awarding of the bid.
    ●    The RFP will incorporate a bid assessment for the bid proposals submitted.


    The District has the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in the review process. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and accept that bid which appears to be in the best interest of the School District.  The Board reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, or to reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid.  Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids.  Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered.  All bids received become part of the District’s file. It is the policy of the Mexico School District in making purchases to give preference to and encourage the purchase of all commodities manufactured, mined, produced, or grown with the municipality, county, and state, and to all firms, corporations, or individuals doing business as Missouri firms, corporations, or individuals when quality and price are approximately the same.  It is further the policy of the school district to encourage the purchase of products manufactured, assembled, or produced in the United States. The District shall have the right to enter into negotiations in an effort to reduce the amount of the bid with the lowest responsible bidder should the lowest responsible bidder’s bid exceed the funds available. The Mexico Board of Education approves payment of all bills at its regularly scheduled meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month.  Penalties imposed requiring payment prior to the aforementioned time will not be accepted.