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Mexico Public Schools sees improvement in DESE-released Annual Performance Report

Posted Date: 11/25/24 (3:00 PM)

Our Mexico Public School District received its highest Annual Performance Report (APR) score in the three-year history of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 6). 

The district earned 71.2% of possible points in the 2023-2024 APR, a milestone in our  ongoing efforts to improve academic outcomes. The district scored a 65.8% in 2023 and a 66.4% in 2022. 

One of the most notable gains was in academic performance, which measures student achievement on state standardized tests. The district improved from 55.8% to 60.3%, reflecting the progress our Bulldog educators are making in helping students achieve academically.

Understanding the APR
The APR, issued annually by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), evaluates school districts on their progress toward educational goals. It includes metrics, such as academic achievement, attendance, and college and career readiness. 

“Our APR results are evidence that we are heading in the right direction,” shared Superintendent Lentz. “This is a testament to the dedication of our teachers, administrators, and students, who worked hard to achieve this success. However, we know there is more work to do to meet our long-term goals.”

While Mexico Public Schools celebrates this achievement, the district recognizes the need for continued growth. School districts around the state have prioritized teacher recruitment and retention, as well as student attendance. Mexico Public Schools recently launched its attendance campaign, “Every Minute Matters,” working with families to find solutions for students who are chronically absent. The district mirrors the DESE commitment that students must be present to learn. 

At Mexico Public Schools, we serve a diverse student population, with higher percentages of English Language Learners (ELL) and students eligible for free and reduced lunch compared to the state average. Data shows that non-learning-disabled students from financially stable homes perform as well as any students in Missouri, but the challenges faced by students can impact overall performance on state assessments.

A comparison of districts with enrollments over 2,000 students shows a strong correlation between lower percentages of students on free and reduced lunch and higher APR scores. This highlights the unique challenges faced by districts like Mexico Public Schools, where a higher proportion of students must overcome socioeconomic barriers.

Despite these obstacles, local assessments, such as I-Ready, confirm that our Bulldog students are learning at high levels, and teachers are making a difference.

To continue to build on growing academically, the district has implemented several initiatives, including:

  • Adopting the 95 Core Phonics curriculum to unify English Language Arts instruction.

  • Increasing student support through expanded dual credit opportunities and targeted attendance interventions.

  • Enhancing classroom environments with elementary in-school suspension (ISS) and greater focus on climate and culture.

  • Providing additional resources for students through partnerships like C2C.

The district remains committed to supporting student success and building on this progress. With the ongoing dedication of its educators and strong support from the community, we look forward to continuing progress in the future.

The APR and Missouri School District Classifications

The APR score from DESE helps districts identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement. Additionally, recommendations for classifications of Missouri school districts by the state board of education also include:

  • Appropriate superintendent certification

  • The financial health of the district, including a healthy reserve balance

  • Training and orientation of school board members

  • Compliance with state and federal law

For more information about the Mexico Public Schools APR score, please contact District Communications at or call Central Office at 573-581-3773 ext 2409.